The dangers of fleece bird toys, and a better ( and surprisingly cheaper) choice

This post has apparently ruffled some feathers( lol yes the pun was intended) and so I apologize in advance for those that disagree with my opinions and views. This post was never meant to hurt the businesses of those that create fleece parrot products. Just to inform us too trusting and unknowing bird owners what fleece is actually made out of. And how I personally feel about NOT using fleece products for our flock. Though after much more “online research” I’ve found that cotton is not a great choice either because it shred much too easily. Really there’s not many things that are safe just to leave in the birds cage or play area. It’s best to offer fun items in short supervised doses and remove when not being used. **

I was in complete shock. Standing in the middle of the fabric isle, reading the small print on materials needed to refill a shreddy toy they seemed to like, and create a cozy hut for the hahns mini macaws; and thinking to myself, “how did I NOT know this!!) fleece; all blends of it- micro fleece, polar fleece, blended fleece- is made of polyester!!
In short- its totally unsafe for parrots!!

And yet is one of the most commonly used fabrics being used for pet toys and products. I did a google search for fleece bird toys and was shocked at how many fleece options there were. Used for shreddy toys, cozy huts, wrapped around hoops, the list went on and on. And I was crushed. How many if these have I let our birds try out, and play with. And people I know who’s little birds sleep in cozy huts; they are basically breathing in all that crud ALL NIGHT LONG. That can’t possibly be healthy. And birds, just like mine who shred and destroy the fabrics are basically ingesting poison. And I never even knew. I didn’t even question it. In all honesty, I figured if I bought it at a bird store, bird fair, or ordered it online from an reputable toy company that it was safe. I just didn’t stop to think about if the person behind the product would care about the health and wellness of my birds. What is to stop them from using unsafe materials on the toys they sell. And what if the brains behind what so many of us buy, actually doesn’t have a clue what is safe and what is not. And as a responsible parront ( parrot parent) I should remember to be more thorough and vigilant in ALWAYS researching the items I give to my birds.

So you can imagine how disappointed in myself I felt when I realized that I was giving my birds a material that could be hurting them. And so I came home with two yards ( at only $3.00 a yard compared to 7.99 per yard for the fleece!) of unbleached natural 100% cotton – which is safe as long as you watch for long threads and shredded parts that could wrap around your inquisitive bird-and vowed to to better with researching the parts and materials used in the toys we give our birds. And will continue to share what’s I learn, and discover with you. And how we can all keep out birds happy and healthy as best we can.

Here’s a few pictures of the toys I made using the 100% cotton material and spruced up some basic toys we already had in reserve; and the birds checking them out.

The fabric before I started cutting it:



Cutting into 1.5″ wide strips, about 8-12″ long each:


Next I stuck it in between the links of a stainless steel chain and tied it into tight knots:


I hung another basic bird toy with hemp string, straws, colored wood blocks and other random pieces from our bird box and let the big macaws check it out



Heres what i made for the medium birds. I used a pre existing toy holder – its actually a piece of PVC ( something I’m now reconsidering using too but still need to do more reading and research) and tied the strips of material to a stainless steel wire






* A few links of interest that you just might want to check out for yourself :

google search for “fleece made out of”

google search for ” fleece parrot toys”